Thank you for considering giving to the work of the church, everything we do is through your generosity. This helps us with staffing, operations, mission and evangelism.

1. Bank Transfer

You can set up a standing order or make a one-off donation via bank transfer. This is the most helpful method for us as there are no charges for this on our end. You can find our account details listed below.

Account Number 20760331
Sort Code 20-81-11
Reference Your name

2. Give Online

You can make a one-off donation via our online payment system. Click on the button below to access it.

Image of church

3. In Person

If you would prefer to give in person, there is an opportunity to donate at our services. Alternatively, you can contact the church office to arrange a time to give in person.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK Taxpayer you can add Gift Aid to your giving.

Gift Aid is a government initiative, where the basic rate of tax you have already paid on your giving is relinquished to the charitable organisation you are giving to. For example, for every £1 you give, St Saviour's Sunbury receives £1.25.

You can do this by completing a Gift Aid form and returning it to us – either via email, post, or by placing it in the offering box at church. If you would prefer a paper copy, Gift Aid forms are available at church during our services, just ask a member of the team.

Also, if you are in a higher income-tax bracket, then you can claim back the tax on your giving which is above the basic rate. You can contact HMRC for guidance on how you can make this claim.