As a church we are committed to caring for creation. You can find information about how we aim to do that below.

We recognise that, as a church community in the UK, we have a responsibility and desire to tackle the climate crisis and support wider environmental restoration. We know that our small steps form part of a bigger wave of change to bring about both environmental and social justice. This, we believe, is part of our missional responsibility as followers of Jesus, which is reflected in the Anglican Communion’s five Marks of Mission to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

In 2024 we achieved the Bronze Eco Church Award and we are currently working towards silver. The Eco Church award scheme is run by A Rocha UK and supports churches to take practical action on creation care across five key areas of church life including: worship and teaching, buildings and energy, land and nature, community and global engagement, and lifestyle. Some of the changes that we have made and practices that we have adopted as a church include:

  • Stopping the use of disposable cups at our services and using mugs instead.

  • Improving our recycling facilities.

  • Ensuring that we integrate environmental themes into our teaching and prayers.

  • Forming an Arise group of volunteers who are keen to work on environmental and social justice issues. 

  • Creating a global prayer and action map.

  • Surplus food donated by local supermarkets is also given away as part of our food bank and used to create free weekly community lunches.

Bronze Award Winner 2024 Badge