We Shall Bear The Image of The Heavenly Man
If we consider the Holy Spirit seriously as our inheritance, all that God has is ours, and the Spirit that dwells in our hearts is the pledge that everything that God owns will be shared with us in eternity.
The Holy Spirit is also the pledge that one day we will be like Jesus. This is clearly shown in Romans 8: 29 "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son". God thinks so much of Jesus that he longs for everyone to be like him. John clarifies the issue further when he says "But we know that when Jesus appears we will be like him, for we shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2)
It is impossible to comprehend all that Paul means when he says we shall be "conformed to the image of his son” (Romans 8: 29). The Holy Spirit has already begun this lifetime work in us. We may not always appreciate the chipping and chiselling that is going on in our lives, but it is part of the Spirit’s purpose to help us become more like Jesus.
Consider that the work of being conformed begins on earth and is completed in heaven and we shall be like him when we see him.
by Arnold Pollitt