Men of St Saviour’s, We're all going to New Wine Men's Day on Saturday May 11th (9am - 4pm) - did you sing that in your head like "we're all going on a summer holiday"? No? Just me then...ahem...moving on...
Conference? Where? Relax, it's NOT in Liverpool like the last one or Huddersfield like the women's one, but in our nice-and-local (and my home town) borough of Ealing!
What a fantastic opportunity for us to gather together and go along to stand united in worship/receive from God, as we hear from inspirational men (from New Wine and CVM) share what our Lord has been doing through them.
To book your ticket: Step 1: Please visit and BOOK your ticket directly via New Wine website online at:
(£17 early bird price if booked before April 13th) Step 2: Let us know you are coming by either signing up on ChurchSuite via this link:
OR if you prefer just email - this means we can plan transport/car shares OR look out for you there if you are making your own way there. Full Event Details here:
We only have limited opportunities to spend days together like this so I really want to encourage you to make space in your diary to come along, bless someone with your presence and be blessed too.
Rix Banga
Men's Ministry Leader