Romans 8: 28-39
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (v28) Let us consider the question : Why is it that some Christians put their roots down deep and others not? After much thought about the matter, writer Selwyn Hughes believed it had to do with trust. Jeremiah, I think, would answer the question in this way: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh”. (Jeremiah 17:5)
It is far easier to put our confidence in the things we can see or quantify than those we cannot see. It’s all too easy to drift into believing that our security and significance depend on things that are tangible, such as money and possessions, academic qualifications, business success, personal skills or physical attractiveness. However, don’t misunderstand, these things are not wrong in themselves, but they cannot provide us with security and significance that deep down our hearts long for.
So it all comes back to this matter of what we depend upon. “Maturity”, someone said, “ is shown by where we place our dependency”. How true. When things don’t go as we expected in our lives, we can respond either negatively or redemptively. Responding by complaining, showing resentment, and an unwillingness to forgive prevents our roots going down deeper into God: instead they remain close to the surface. When, however, we trust God and believe that all things are working according to His eternal purposes, our roots start growing deeper and deeper. Sadly, many Christians never gain this trust. Those who grumble and complain when things do not go the way they wish lose a God-given opportunity to develop their spiritual root system. Their roots are restricted rather than extended.
Prayer : God, forgive me if I respond to life’s difficulties with resentment. May my spiritual roots draw not from the immediate but the ultimate. Please help me to trust in your unfailing Word. In Jesus name. Amen.
Contributed by Arnold Pollitt