Our Annual Meeting of Parishioners (AMP) and Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will be held on Sunday 28th March at 12:30pm, via Zoom. At the APCM we will be reviewing church life for 2020, including our Annual Report and Financial Accounts. If you are part of St Saviour’s then you will be sent the meeting details in your church news email. If you are resident in the parish and would like to attend the AMP then please email the church office for the zoom details: info@stsaviourssunbury.org.uk
Minutes of the last AMP & APCM: 25th October 2020
The Annual Report for 2020 can be accessed here:
The Financial Accounts for 2020 can be accessed here:
If you have a question that you would like to be addressed at the APCM then please submit it to jess.bray@stsaviourssunbury.org.uk by Wednesday 24th March at the latest.
PCC & Deanery Synod
We have three seats on the PCC and one Deanery Synod seat up for election at the APCM. If you are interested in standing for one of these places then please contact jess.bray@stsaviourssunbury.org.uk to receive a nomination form. All nomination forms should be submitted by Wednesday 24th March. For more information about what being a member of the PCC involves, please click here.
The official notice of the AMP has been posted on the front door of the church and can be viewed here:
The official notice of the APCM has been posted on the front door of the church and can be viewed here:
The official notice of the revision of the electoral roll has also been published on the door of the church and can be viewed here:
Our last APCM was held on 25th October 2020 – this was the meeting postponed from April, which reviewed church life for 2019.